Sykehjem besøk 1
Sykehjem besøk
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Besøk familie
Besøk 1
Chase hos veterinær

We have been on a home visit at “Star`s new owners” with Star and Chanti, and it was incredibly nice to see how natural she found herself in her new home! Mother Chanti was there to support, but it did not look like "our" little girl needed her support. After this visit, she got to go for an extra long car trip where we stopped by the horse stable and a quick shopping trip while she waited with her mother in the car.

On Sunday we got to visit “Liv” who lives in a nursing home. Both Liv and the nurses was very excited to have a visit from us, and we really enjoyed to visit them too. The puppies enjoyed themselves playing, cuddeling and sleeping. Furthermore, we drove to visit some friends and family later on and the puppies enjoyed this too – acted like they`d done these trips for years. On the last visit they also got to meet "Uncle Aro" who is a young dog of the breed Finnish Lapponian Dog.


After a very eventful day, everyone was ready to sleep when we finally went home in the evening.


Text edited 17.01.2022

Fifthyone days old..